Eph 177-178 2/18/85, 453 12/31/86, 486 2/22/87




A.  Definition and Description.

            1. A species is a class of individuals having common attributes and designated by a common name. Genus homo sapien was created a new rational species to resolve the angelic conflict.

            2. All genus homo sapien is descended from Adam through Noah’s three sons:  Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Shem is the father of the Guttians, the Akkadians, Chaldeans, Arabs, Lydians, Carrians, Aramains, Syrians, etc. Ham was the father of the Phoenicians, Hittites, Amorites, Chinese, Japanese, Egyptians, Canaanites, Lybians, Etruscans, Ethiopians, Samarians, Dravidians, Watusi, Masi, Somali, Nandi, etc. Japheth is the father of the Medes, Persians, Macedonians, Thracians, Greeks, Romans, Slavs, Teutons, Celts, Hurrians, Cassites, etc.

            3. Most of us are combinations of these groups. Today there is no such thing as purity of race. All have been intermingled. Pigmentation of skin is no issue in anything in life. It has nothing to do with anything.

            4. In the history of the human race only two new species have been added to genus homo sapien.

                        a. Israel was added as the new racial species. The Jew is racially different from all the descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

                        b. The Church is the new spiritual species.

            5. The origin of the two new species.

                        a. Israel came from the procreation of Abraham and Sarah.

                        b. The Church came from the perpetuation of the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union into the Church Age, demanding a new spiritual species for the utilization of all divine power. The new spiritual species originates from regeneration and the mechanics of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

                        c. Therefore, the new racial species of Israel had to be perpetuated through procreation, while in the Church Age the new spiritual species of the royal family of God is perpetuated through the baptism of the Spirit at the point of salvation.

            6. The election of Israel as a new racial species is two-fold; Israel has both a racial and a spiritual election.

                        a. The racial election of Israel is Abraham’s physical seed related to procreation and genetics. The Jew as the newest race in history has the genes of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

                        b. But the election of Abraham’s spiritual seed is related to regeneration. So born again Jews have both a racial and spiritual election. The spiritual election of Abraham’s seed is related to Abraham’s salvation, who is the pattern for salvation in the Old Testament. This is first taught in Gen 15:6, “Abraham believed in the Lord and it was credited to his account for righteousness.” This is quoted in Rom 4:3,9 and Gal 3:6.

                        c. This explains how no one was ever saved by keeping the Law, even in the Old Testament. People were saved in the Old Testament as they are now, but the object of their faith was different. The object of faith in the New Testament is Christ. The object of faith in the Old Testament was the Lord, Jehovah. Both refer to the same person, but in different languages. No one has ever been saved by keeping the Law. That is blasphemous, evil, and stupid!

            7. The election of the Church or the royal family of God is strictly spiritual and invisible, a part of every Church Age believer’s portfolio of invisible assets. It does not involve but removes environment, genetic, and volitional handicaps, so that the election of the Church is strictly spiritual.

            8. Each new species was created by God for a definite historical impact. Israel was created for a visible historical impact in the Old Testament (Age of Israel) and in the Millennium through their client nation function. The Church was created for an invisible historical impact during the times of the Gentiles.

            9. Each new species is a witness for the Prosecution in Satan’s appeal trial which is coterminous with human history. Israel is in the trial phase of Old Testament history, and the Church is in the rebuttal phase of New Testament history.

                        a. The trial phase of the trial is the duplication of Satan’s fall in the fall of Adam. The case for the Prosecution was Noah, Job, Abraham, Moses, etc. The case for the defense was suffering, persecution, adversity, and violence. Obviously Satan could not make his point through violence.

                        b. The rebuttal phase of the Prosecution was the first advent of Christ and the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union. Its second phase is the great power experiment of the Church Age. The rebuttal of the defense (Satan) is the violence of the Tribulation.

                        c. The closing argument and summary of the Prosecution is the second advent of Christ and His millennial reign, demonstrating once again that perfect environment is not the solution to man’s problems. The closing argument and summary of the defense is the Gog Revolution at the end of the Millennium, at which time approximately one-third of the population of the earth will revolt against the perfect environment on the earth.

                        d. Then history is closed down. Satan’s sentence is confirmed and carried out, and the earth is destroyed and there is the creation of the new heavens, new earth, and new Jerusalem.

                        e. Every time a believer is consistent enough to live daily in the protocol plan of God, to learn and use his portfolio of invisible assets, and to take the giant step to spiritual self-esteem followed by the victory step to spiritual maturity, that believer is entered as evidence in Satan’s appeal trial, and he receives the conveyance of his escrow blessings, the combination of which glorifies God forever.

     10. Each new species, racial Jew and spiritual Church, originates from a category of Biblical death. Israel originated from Abraham’s sexual death, Rom 4:17-21; Heb 11:11-12. The Church originates from the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the union with the substitutionary spiritual death of Christ on the cross.

     11. Each new species was formed from a significant event in history. The new racial species is related to the circumcision of Abraham at age 99. The new spiritual species is created through the baptism of the Holy Spirit at salvation which began on the Day of Pentecost.

     12. Summary.

                        a. The perpetuation of the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union into the Church Age demands the creation of a new spiritual species for the utilization of divine power. This is why you have the most fantastic opportunity for historical impact.

                        b. The new spiritual species in history demands new distinctions in Biblical systematic theology. As a result of the new racial species of Israel, Bible doctrine distinguishes between Jew and Gentile from Abraham to Christ. As a result of the new spiritual species of the Church or body of Christ, distinction between Jew and Gentile is removed during the Church Age, Eph 2:11-22. Bible doctrine only distinguishes between believer and unbeliever during the Church Age.

                        c. The Jew as a new racial species is always distinguished in the Old Testament from the Gentile. But the Jew has absolutely no blessings in the Church Age unless he becomes a member of the body of Christ, and then his blessings are no better than any other Church Age believer. The only racial issue in the Old Testament is that the Jews had privileges that the Gentiles did not, Rom 9-11.

                        d. The new spiritual species of the Church Age formed by the baptism of the Holy Spirit erases all racial distinctions between Jew and Gentile, plus all other racial distinctions in the royal family of God. In fact, with the coming of the Church Age and the baptism of the Spirit, the following distinctions are removed:  racial, cultural, social, and sexual, Gal 3:26-28; Eph 2:11-12; 1 Cor 12:13ff.

                        e. In the Church Age, there is no racial distinction at anytime for any reason for any believer; distinctions are gone forever. You are to regard yourself as a person, not as a member of any race. Only dumb, stupid, ignorant, arrogant people have prejudice. You are not to think of yourself as belonging to any race, but to a new spiritual species. All Church Age believers have equal privileges and equal opportunities under the computer assets of election and predestination.

                        f. The application of this doctrine is tolerance for all believers, especially for baby believers and adolescents. Tolerance is important because it gives all believers the necessary privacy to grow in grace.

                        g. The only distinctions recognized in the new spiritual species are:

                                    (1) Between carnal and spiritual believers, which is the absolute concept of Christianity.

                                    (2) Between winner and loser believers, which is the relative concept of Christianity, based on spiritual momentum or retrogression.


B.  Israel as the New Racial Species.

            1. The source of the new racial species was a Gentile, Abram, later renamed Abraham. At 99 years of age, he was still a Gentile belonging to the old racial species, and both he and his wife were sexually dead. Yet God had promised them an heir, and Abraham did not give up his hope. To declare his faith and submission to God’s promise, Abraham submitted to circumcision at age 99, a very painful ritual.            At this point Abraham instantly became a Jew, the new racial species. The reproductive capacities of Abraham and Sarah were restored and Isaac was born soon after.

                a.     Rom 4:17-21, “As it stands written [Gen 17:5], `I have appointed you a father of many nations,’ in the sight of Him whom he believed, even God, who gave life to the [sexually] dead ones, and called the things which did not exist [phallus and womb] as now existing [the creation of a new racial species], who beyond hope [of sexual prosperity and promise/progeny], believed in hope, in order that he might become the father of many nations [Jews and Arabs] on the basis of what had been promised [Gen 15:5], `so your seed shall exist.’ And so, not becoming weak in faith, he completely understood his own body which had become sexually dead when he was approaching 100 years old.            Likewise he completely understood the deadness of Sarah’s womb. Yet with reference to the promise of God, he did not stagger in unbelief, but was strong by means of doctrine, giving glory to God, and being completely convinced that what He Himself had promised, He was able also to perform.”

                        b. Just as the baptism of the Spirit is the source of the new spiritual species, so circumcision was the source of the new racial species of Israel. The new racial species was created from sexual death (the new spiritual species from spiritual death]. In the Old Testament, this new racial species was superior to all Gentiles.

                        c. The new racial species was perpetuated only through Isaac and Jacob, and not through Abraham’s other children. Gen 21:12, “For through Isaac your seed will be called.”

                        d. To Isaac in Gen 26:3-4 was promised, “I will be with you and bless you. For to you and your descendants I will give all these lands [Palestinian Covenant], and I will establish the oath which I promised to your father Abraham. And I will multiply your seed [Israel], and I will give your seed all these lands. Furthermore, by your seed [descendants] all the nations of the earth will be blessed [Millennium].”

                        e. The same promise was made to Jacob, the third generation. Gen 35:12, “And the land which I gave to Abraham and Isaac I will give to you. Furthermore, I will give the land to your descendants after you.”

                        f. Just as then, so it is still true today that all the nations of the earth are blessed by observing the laws of divine establishment given to the Jew.

                        g. This is why Jesus Christ has, as one of His titles:  “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”

                        h. But being in a new racial species has its problems, for you cannot obtain salvation through physical birth but only through being born again. So Israel always had the problem of arrogance regarding the superiority of the Jewish race, which hindered them from believing in the Lord Jesus Christ.

            2. Abraham has two seeds:  physical and spiritual. The physical seed of Abraham is the new racial species of Israel, known today as the Jew. The spiritual seed of Abraham is the born-again Jew, for Abraham is the pattern of salvation in the Old Testament.

            3. The election of Isaac and Jacob is important, representing the spiritual election of regeneration, and it shows that the seed of Abraham is not passed down through his other progeny. So there are two elections in Israel:  the physical election from the seed of Abraham, i.e., the new racial species by birth; and by regeneration, the spiritual election, referring to those Jews who believed in Jesus Christ (Jehovah).

            4. Rom 9:6-13, “But it is not as though the Word of God has failed. For they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel [to be true Israel, you must be born again]; neither because they are Abraham’s [physical] seed are all children of the inheritance, but `through Isaac your descendants will be designated.’ This means that the descendants of the flesh [who had the genes of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob] are not the children of God, but the children of the promise regenerate Jews] are regarded as the seed. [Only Jewish believers profit from being a new racial species.] For this [Gen 18:10] is the word of the promise, `At this time [Abraham’s spiritual maturity] I will come, and Sarah shall have a son [Isaac, the line of both elections in Israel, physical and spiritual].’ And not only this, but there was also Rebekah, when she had conceived twins by one man, Isaac, our ancestor; for though the twins [Esau and Jacob] had not yet been born, and had not done anything good or evil, in order that the predetermined plan of God might remain in status quo in relation to election, not from works but from Him who calls [common and efficacious grace], it was said to her [Rebekah in Gen 25:23], `The older [Esau] will serve the younger [Jacob]. Just as it stands written [Mal 1:2-3], “Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.’”   a. Love and hate are anthropopathisms expressing God’s approval of the regenerate and disapproval of the unbeliever. Even though the unbeliever, Esau, is genetically related to Abraham, he is not spiritually related to Abraham through regeneration, and so was rejected from the new racial species.

                        b. This told the Jews that in their first three generations, when the whole genetic structure of the Jew was established, that even though they have a physical advantage over all other races being a new racial species, this superiority means nothing without regeneration. 5. The assets of the new racial species.

                        a. The client nation status. The first group of client nations in the Old Testament were all Jewish:  Israel, Southern Kingdom of Judah, Northern Kingdom of Ephraim, and Judea.

                        b. The Mosaic Law was the conditional covenant for the perpetuation of the client nation. It taught establishment principles for both believer and unbeliever, not only for the four client nations of Israel, but also for the entire human race, e.g., the definition of freedom and all concepts pertaining thereto. Rom 13:1-10.

                        c. The unconditional covenants, the Abrahamic, Palestinian, Davidic, and New Covenants to Israel, will not be fulfilled until the second advent of Christ.

                        d. Eschatological assets include the second advent of Christ and His millennial reign, at which time Israel will be regathered. For the first time since A.D. 70 with the fall of Judah, Israel will again become a client nation to God. So the Millennium is the second phase of Israel’s operation as a client nation to God.

            6. The Purpose of the New Racial Species.

                        a. To represent God in the last half of Old Testament history during the dispensation of Israel.

                        b. To communicate doctrine under the ritual plan of God in the dispensation of Israel. This means to communicate the Gospel in evangelism to both Jew and Gentile, and to communicate the doctrine of the ritual plan of God to believers. 7. The Results of the New Racial Species.

                        a. The good results include periodic evangelism, spiritual growth of some, and the first advent of Christ.

                        b. The bad results include the cycles of discipline to Israel and, all too frequently, the apostasy and general negative volition of the Jews in the Old Testament.

                        c. Out of the new racial species of the Jew came Israel as a client nation.            Out of the new spiritual species of the Church come the Gentile client nations. So during the ritual plan of God there are only Jewish client nations. Under the protocol plan of God there are only Gentile client nations.


C.  The Church as the New Spiritual Species.

            1. Designation and Definition of New Spiritual Species.

                        a. The new spiritual species is classified as body of Christ, royal family of God, and Church.

                        b. The new spiritual species is unique and exclusive to the Church Age only.

                        c. The new spiritual species provides equal privilege and equal opportunity for all believers in the execution of God’s will, plan, and purpose for the Church Age.

            2. The Origin of the New Spiritual Species.

                        a. The baptism of the Spirit and the formation of the royal family of God at the point of salvation through faith in Christ takes every category of homo sapien, erases any distinctions, and puts him in union with Christ. He is no longer any race or color, rich or poor; he is royal family of God forever.

                        b. Once you understand this doctrine, you no longer think of yourself in terms of human distinctions, but as a distinct personality for whom God has provided the most fantastic plan and the greatest opportunity in all of human history! The new spiritual species is unique to the Church Age.

                        c. What is so significant about the baptism of the Spirit is that we don’t feel it, experience it, realize it, or have any identification with it until we learn the pertinent Bible doctrine.

            3. The reason for the new spiritual species is the perpetuation of the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union into the Church Age. This extension demands that all the power first given to Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union now be available to every believer (although it is not used by many believers).

                        a. Our Lord’s humanity relied upon the omnipotence of God the Father, the author of the prototype divine dynasphere. He remained inside the prototype divine dynasphere throughout His life and so relied on the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit. Being born without Adam’s original sin and the old sin nature and never committing a personal sin, our Lord remained impeccable by the sustaining power of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.

                        b. Now we are in the Church Age, created for the calling out of a royal family for our Lord’s new third royal warrant given at His session. We are here to complement our Lord’s strategic victory with a tactical victory. We have the operational-type divine dynasphere, which extends to us the same maximum availability of divine power. The omnipotence of God the Father has provided us a portfolio of invisible assets, the omnipotence of God the Son sustains the universe and human history, and the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit empowers us in the operational-type divine dynasphere.

                        c. You now stand on the threshold of history with the opportunity to have an impact which can change history and the course of our nation and of world history. Or you can sink back into the morass of your preoccupation with self, your erroneous standards and priorities, your mixed-up, confused, and hopeless, standing-around-waiting-to-be-amused attitude. You have a choice.

                        d. Whether you ever exploit your fantastic opportunity or not depends upon your epistemological rehabilitation, your cognition of doctrine and its metabolization, and your resultant spiritual growth.

                        e. We have the same assets and divine power available to us as Jesus Christ, yet we are imperfect. This is why we had to be created a new spiritual species at salvation, apart from which we could not use divine power.

            4. The purpose of the new spiritual species is to remove all past actions of miracles on which believers leaned, and instead to make available God’s power to all believers.

                        a. The unprecedented grace provision of divine power to every believer demands a new spiritual species for the utilization of that power. This power could never have been used by the Old Testament saints, not being a new spiritual species.

                        b. Miracles are the easiest thing for the sovereignty of God. But to impact history through born-again believers is in itself a system far, far greater than any miracle ever performed.

                        c. Just as you did not feel or experience the baptism of the Spirit at salvation, so you will not feel or experience the fantastic historical invisible impact of the royal family of God. Should you reach spiritual maturity, your impact on history is very great!

                        d. In eternity future, all of man’s efforts in history are blotted out, and the only things recorded in the historical records of eternity are what mature believers did to change the course of history.

            5. The power provision of the new spiritual species includes the omnipotence of God the Father related to our portfolio of invisible assets, the omnipotence of God the Son related to the perpetuation of human history and holding the universe together, and the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit related to our divine dynasphere.

                        a. The utilization of this divine power demands epistemological rehabilitation, cognition of pertinent doctrine, and advancement to the three stages of spiritual adulthood.

                        b. Because of this power provision, we have the unique opportunity to suffer for blessing under three categories, for which there is no precedent in the Old Testament. The precedent for these three categories of suffering for blessing is found in the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union.

            6. The result of the new spiritual species is the invisible historical impact of the mature believer in three categories.

                        a. Personal impact is blessing by association when you receive your escrow blessings for time through execution of God’s protocol plan.

                        b. National impact is historical impact in the client nation through the pivot of mature believers which, when large enough (5%), blesses the nation. In this dispensation, as goes the new spiritual species, so goes the client nation to God.

                        c. International impact is blessing to non-client nations through quality missionaries sent from the client nation. The pivot in the client nation overflows into better missionary activity.

            7. Characteristics of the New Spiritual Species.

                        a. The new spiritual species is created by the baptism of the Spirit at salvation. This positional sanctification constitutes the equal privilege of predestination.

                        b. The new spiritual species is forever protected from liability at the Last Judgment; you cannot lose your salvation, Rom 8:1.

                        c. The new spiritual species possesses eternal life, 1 Jn 5:11-12.

                        d. The new spiritual species possesses a double divine righteousness: the imputed perfect righteousness of God the Father, Rom 3:22, and the perfect righteousness we share with Jesus Christ through positional sanctification, 1 Cor 1:30.

                        e. The new spiritual species has an inheritance protected by the omnipotence of God. 1 Pet 1:4, “We are guarded by the omnipotence of God through faith at the moment of salvation.”

                        f. Being a new spiritual species is not progressive. It cannot be improved in time or in eternity. It is a gift of God and originates from His sovereignty; therefore, we cannot improve it by anything we do.

                        g. Being a new spiritual species is not an emotion or an experience. It is not an empirical function. Emotion is a normal part of life, a normal soul function, but it has no part in the Christian life; it is not part of the spiritual life. You can be filled with the Holy Spirit and be emotional about something, but emotion is not a sign of spirituality; it is not a function of the filling of the Holy Spirit.

                        h. Being a new spiritual species is not related to any form of human works or human merit.

                        i. The new spiritual species of the Church Age is both justified and sanctified. We are justified as new spiritual species, Rom 3:24. (Old Testament believers were also justified upon receiving the imputation of God’s perfect righteousness.) We are sanctified (entered into union with Christ) as new spiritual species, 1 Cor 1:2, 30; Heb 10:10, 14. (No Old Testament believer was ever entered into union with Christ.)

                        j. Old Testament believers were justified after the pattern of Abraham. Gen 15:6, “Abraham believed in the Lord and it was credited to his account for righteousness.” But it was not until the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union was extended into the Church Age that a new spiritual species was created.

                        k. The new spiritual species is unique to the Church Age, never existed in any previous dispensation, nor will it exist in any future dispensation.

            8. Documentation.

                        a. Circumcision in the ritual plan of God was the sign of the new racial species of Israel. But Paul says in Gal 6:15, “For neither is circumcision anything [Jewish race], nor uncircumcision [Gentile race]; but a new spiritual species.” The new racial species has been replaced in the Church Age by the new spiritual species.

                        b. 2 Cor 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone [Church Age believer] is in Christ Jesus [and they are], he is a new [spiritual] species. The old things [position in Adam, spiritual death] have lost their power; behold, new things have come [the portfolio of invisible assets plus protocol plan of God].”

                                    (1) The believer still has the old sin nature, but it cannot function or control his life apart from his own consent and negative volition. The old things have not passed away, but they have lost their power, and only by the use of divine omnipotence.

                                    (2) The Greek words KAINE KTISIS are the two most startling words in the New Testament. It does not mean simply that you have been renovated. It means you have been created a new creature.

                                    (3) Old things (ARCHAIOS) refer to the pre-salvation state.

                                                (a) Position in Adam and its resultant real spiritual death plus the power of the old sin nature, including pre-salvation handicaps such as genetic, environmental, and volitional handicaps. Only our human volition in determining to sin or execute human good can give the old sin nature its power. God has destroyed the power of the old sin nature, though we still possess it.

                                                (b) The modus operandi of the cosmic system, demon influence, and the dynamics of psychological living. Any demon possession is terminated because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

                                                © The function of human power and human dynamics in Satan’s cosmic system. These have lost their power because God has made available 100% of His divine power. Although believers can still use human power to do such things as improve their personality, it is not a part of the Christian way of life; it is psychological living.

                                                (d) People emphasis having priority over God emphasis. The new spiritual species demands that your #1 priority be relationship with God and with His Word (divine thinking, Bible doctrine). The pre-salvation assumption that if you are right in your relationship with people you are right in your relationship with God is wrong, as was demonstrated in the Garden. The priority of the new spiritual species is gate #5 before gate #6. Wrong experience with God means maladjustment with people.

                                                (e) Because of the rebound technique which is available to all new spiritual species believers, the power of the old sin nature and the cosmic system has been positionally neutralized. But rebound simply puts you back into the operational-type divine dynasphere. The Christian who logs maximum time in the divine dynasphere is a winner. The Christian who logs maximum time in the cosmic system is a loser (described by the Bible as: the enemy of the cross, the enemy of God, antichrist, carnal, and a disciple of the devil.

                                    (f) While old things have lost their power, we are not impeccable, but we continue to possess an old sin nature. So even though the Church Age believer is a new spiritual species, he still has volition and continues to sin after salvation (1 Jn 1:8) under three categories: occasionally (in spiritual childhood using rebound), frequently (failure to use rebound, continuing in the cosmic system), and sporadically (in spiritual adulthood). The sin factor in the Christian life depends upon how much time the believer logs in the divine dynasphere.

                                    (4) “New things have come” refers to:

                                                (a) The unique precedence for the Church Age based on the extension of the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union into this dispensation.

                                                (b) The baptism of the Spirit making you a new spiritual species and royal family of God, which is without precedent in the Old Testament Scriptures.

                                                © The 100% availability of divine power to ever believer in the Church Age only. Available to you is the omnipotence of God the Father related to your portfolio of invisible assets, the omnipotence of God the Son related to perpetuating human history, holding the universe together, and the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit related to our palace, the operational-type divine dynasphere.

                                                (d) The unique royal family of God has a new divine plan for the glorification of God. The protocol plan of God supersedes the ritual plan of God for Israel.    The protocol plan of God is designed for tactical victory as an extension of our Lord’s strategic victory in the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union, and it is the basis for the grace fulfillment of the protocol plan of God.

                                                (e) The indwelling of all three persons of the Trinity in the body of every Church Age believer.

                                                (f) The two royal commissions for every Church Age believer are unique and unprecedented in history. Never before the Church Age were all believers royal priests; there were only specialized priesthoods. You are a royal priest and so represent yourself before God. You are also a royal ambassador and represent Jesus Christ in human history, i.e., God to mankind in this great power experiment of the Church Age.

                                                (g) The great power experiment of the Church Age is the dispensation of equality. All Church Age believers have equal privilege and equal opportunity under our computer assets of election and predestination.

                                                (h) A unique problem solving device system composed of four parts:  toward doctrine, hope 2 and hope 3; toward God, personal love as motivational virtue of spiritual self-esteem, gate #5; toward mankind, impersonal love as functional virtue of spiritual autonomy, gate #6; toward self, +H, sharing the happiness of God which reaches maximum effectiveness at spiritual maturity, gate #8.

                                                (i) Unique categories of suffering for blessing. This is the first time in history when suffering for blessing is designed to equate both adversity with prosperity.

                                                            (1) Spiritual self-esteem plus providential preventative suffering equals spiritual autonomy.

                                                            (2) Spiritual autonomy plus momentum testing equals spiritual maturity.

                                                            (3) Spiritual maturity plus evidence testing equals glorification of God to the maximum in this stage of the angelic conflict.

                                                (j) New things have come in the form of the historical uniqueness of the Church Age.

                                                            (1) The Church Age is the first dispensation in which Jesus Christ controls history from His Hypostatic Union.

                                                            (2) The Church Age is the first dispensation with a completed canon of Scripture. Our instructions are given in writing permanently.

                                                            (3) The Church Age is the only dispensation of no prophecy; there are historical trends only.

                                                            (4) The Church Age is the first dispensation of individual impact for God. Personal impact is from blessing by association. National impact is from the mature believer in the pivot. International impact is from the function of worldwide missions to non-client nations only.

                                                (k) The great power experiment of the Church Age has two unique systems of blessing.

                                                            (1) For winners and losers alike, logistical grace blessing.

                                                            (2) For winners only, the greater blessings in escrow for time and eternity.

                                                (l) The lifestyle of wisdom: cognition of Bible doctrine, inculcation of divine viewpoint over human viewpoint, the teaching ministry of God the Holy Spirit inside the divine dynasphere.

                                                (m) “New things have come” focuses attention on the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union as being both the dividing line between the dispensation of Israel and the Church Age, and the separating line between them as well. It is this concept of the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union as the separating line that leads to this doctrine of precedence for the Church Age.

                        c. Eph 2:10, “For we are His creation [Church Age believer, new spiritual species] having been created in Christ Jesus [baptism of the Holy Spirit] for good of intrinsic value achievements which God has prepared in advance, that we should walk by means of them.” Good of intrinsic value achievements include:

                                    (1) Cognition and utilization of our portfolio of invisible assets.

                                    (2) Cognition and utilization of available divine omnipotence for the execution of the protocol plan of God.

                                    (3) The attainment of each successive stage of spiritual adulthood:  spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, and spiritual maturity. (4) Utilization of the four problem solving devices of spiritual adulthood:  personal love for God, impersonal love for all mankind, +H, and hope 2 and 3.

                                    (5) The application of pertinent doctrine to pass all three categories of suffering for blessing:  providential preventative suffering, momentum testing, and evidence testing.

                        (6) Equating adversity with prosperity and living with dying in the status of spiritual maturity.

                                    (7) Adopting the grace perspective of life with right priorities:  God emphasis over people emphasis, divine power over human power, spiritual living in the divine dynasphere over psychological living in the cosmic system.

            9. Relationship of New Spiritual Species to the Angelic Conflict.

                        a. The Church Age with its new spiritual species is part of the rebuttal phase of Satan’s appeal trial.

                        b. The rebuttal argument of the Prosecution is based on two factors.

                            (1) The strategic victory of Christ during the First Advent and His award of the third royal patent.

                            (2) The fact that some believers advance to spiritual maturity by utilizing their portfolio of invisible assets which is entered as evidence for the Prosecution, the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a believer!

    10. The Challenge of the New Spiritual Species.

                        a. The Church Age is the greatest opportunity afforded to individual believers in Christ in all of human history. We have more going for us than even Adam had in the perfect environment of the Garden, or any group of people in history!

                        b. We should never stoop to claiming any superiority based on any human standards by which members of the human race are distinguished. We now have the privilege of becoming a person with a purpose under the greatest plan from God. Our impact is not only extensive and invisible in human history, but it also extends into the angelic conflict.

                        c. As a new spiritual species, you have a greater spiritual impact than Israel had in the Old Testament. Israel’s historical impact was visible; your historical impact is invisible. Never has such an opportunity been afforded by God as is now given to each of us!

                        d. After four racial species (descendants of Shem, Ham, Japheth, and Abraham), there now exists something far greater, a new spiritual species. It eliminates every racial, national, social, cultural, economic, or geographical distinction, all handicap distinctions, such as variation in I.Q., attractiveness, ability, talent, or any other factor.

                        e. So you must entirely change your human viewpoint and no longer regard yourself or any other believers as inferior or superior under any of these human categories, but as a member of the royal family of God, with your very own portfolio of invisible assets plus an absolutely perfect and wonderful plan, guaranteed to keep you on top of life as long as you live, to give you a happiness you never dreamed existed, to provide for you blessings beyond description. If you do not have all this right now, it is because you are either negative toward doctrine or ignorant of doctrine or too preoccupied with the distractions of life. Your ideas and dreams of happiness, greatness or prosperity are nothing compared to what God provides, which is beyond what you can think or imagine!

                        f. You live in the age of the greatest potential dynamics to ever exist in human history. Yet if you ever want to go back and see the record right from the start, less than 10% of all born-again believers in any generation have ever entered into epistemological rehabilitation and learned the mechanics and have executed God’s plan under God’s power. This is the great tragedy. 11. Assets of the New Spiritual Species. New things have come to the new spiritual species in two categories:  provided assets and acquired assets.

                        a. Provided assets include:

                                    (1) Our portfolio of invisible assets related to the omnipotence of God the Father in eternity past, Eph 1:3ff.

                                    (2) The unique factors of the Church Age related to the indwelling of each of the members of the Trinity.

                                    (3) The New Testament canon of Scripture which contains the mystery doctrine of the Church Age. We have our instructions in writing. The Church Age is not a period of miracles, but far greater, a period of the utilization of divine dynamics. This requires that we use positive volition daily toward Bible doctrine, making it our #1 priority.

                                    (4) The baptism of the Holy Spirit resulting in a new spiritual species and the royal family of God.

                                    (5) The unique factor of the Church Age related to our royal priesthood. This is based on the fact that since each of us is royal family, we represent ourselves before God.

                                    (6) The protocol plan of God related to the provision of the divine dynasphere, and with that the wonderful escrow blessings we receive from the execution of the protocol plan of God, plus the anticipation of escrow blessings for eternity far beyond our imagination.

                                    (7) The extension of the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union into the Church Age.

                                    (8) In order to bring all this together, the formation of a royal family of God to complement our Lord’s third royal patent.

                        b. The acquired assets are at least three.

                                    (1) The utilization of divine power to execute the protocol plan of God.

                                    (2) Epistemological rehabilitation and cognition of Bible doctrine resulting in the attainment of the three stages of spiritual adulthood:  spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, and spiritual maturity.

                                    (3) The attainment of escrow blessings for the eternal state. The provided assets are completely wasted on believers who are not consistent in the perception of Bible doctrine.

     12. Why the New Spiritual Species?

                        a. In the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union, Jesus Christ remained impeccable throughout His thirty three years on earth and through the excruciating three hours of judgment on the cross.

                        b. However, in the great power experiment of the Church Age, believers are created new spiritual species yet they still have the old sin nature. The old things have lost their power, but we still have them!         We still have the same volition by which we succumb to the temptations wrought by the old sin nature, and we still use our free will to sin.

                        c. Therefore, the phrase “old things have lost their power” becomes very significant. Because while we have the operational divine dynasphere, we also have an old sin nature. Christ has the prototype divine dynasphere, but He had no old sin nature.

                        d. We have the same power as Christ had but we are not in a state of perfection. Therefore, God had to provide some very, very special mechanics, and so He created us a new spiritual species.




R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1990 by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
